Use PrivMX Fusion, where all your data is end-to-end encrypted by default, including your tasks and to-do lists.To learn more about how we encrypt tasks, go to our blogpost.
Use PrivMX Fusion – it secures your whole chat – video calls, text, audio and video messages with end-to-end encryption by default.To learn more about how we encrypt communication, go to our text about encrypted chat.
Your personal ACToken is a secret and unique ID of your account in a form of a textual mnemonic. In case you forget your password, you can use the token to log into your PrivMX Team Server.
If you are a Team Keeper, you can use your ACToken to log into your PrivMX Team Server.If your account is Managed, your Team Keeper can reset your password.
Yes, if you enable two factor authentication, you will be asked for an additional code when logging in. The code will be delivered to you using the chosen method.
End-to-end encryption means that your data is encrypted using a private key before it leaves your device and stays protected all the way to the other end, so the user you want to share information with.
Your password is not kept on our servers, it doesn’t leave your device. Nobody except you can access your data. To learn more about how encryption works, go to our blogpost.